Florist Website Pricing

Florist Touch


Optional Till Mode for £25/month.

Just starting out?

From £15/month

If you are a newly establish florist - within 3 months, we provide a discounted £15/month for 3 months to help you get started. Sign up and tell us you're new and we will apply the discount. See our terms.

Optional £85 setup fee includes

  • Using your logo or creating a new one and adapting it to the website
  • Branding the website by a professional web designer
  • Adding up to 5 service pages (wedding, sympathy..) and adding a selection of your images from Facebook/Instagram to the pages
  • Researching your particular keywords and then applying those throughout the website for Google (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • Creating 1-3 delivery zones based upon the most effective keywords
  • Assisting you with final steps, including Stripe connection to receive payments
  • Checking all social media links are correct, opening times correspond to Facebook/Google
  • Staff training session
  • Creating Google Website Analytics and Google Search Console properties to monitor web traffic and linking the website to them
  • Guidance on how to purchase domain
  • Optional email forward ([email protected]) to your existing email
Sign up for free today

All prices include VAT

By signing up, you agree to our terms and conditions.


You can mix and match the devices to your needs.

iPad Air 2



Cash Drawer and Printer


Payment terminal

SumUp Terminal

Payment terminal

Zettle Terminal

Payment terminal

Dojo Terminal

Payment terminal


Stand-alone printer

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